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Determine what is subject to the EAR

Before determining license requirements, it is important to confirm which U.S. Government department or agency has jurisdiction over the item that you are planning to  export, export, or transfer (in-country).

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) administers the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 CFR parts 730-774, which govern the export, reexport, and transfer (in-country) of items “subject to the EAR.”  If an item — meaning “commodities, software, and technology” — is “subject to the EAR,” it is not subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of another U.S. Government agency. 

Section 734.3 (a) of the EAR provides detailed information on items subject to the EAR. Additionally, Section 734.3 (b) specifies those items that are not subject to the EAR and that are instead subject to the exclusive export or reexport jurisdiction of another U.S. Government agency or department.

Other U.S. Government departments and agencies with export control responsibilities

Below is a list of the primary U.S. Government departments and agencies with export control responsibilities. A list of additional relevant U.S. Government departments and agencies is provided in supplement no. 3 to part 730 of the EAR.