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Office of Exporter Services (OExS)

The Office of Exporter Services is responsible for the Bureau’s outreach, education, compliance, and regulatory activities.

On This Page

    Office overview and responsibilities

    The Office of Exporter Services is responsible for the Bureau of Industry and Security’s outreach, education, compliance, and regulatory activities. In addition to counseling exporters, organizing and providing seminars, and drafting changes to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), OExS also advises exporters on compliance and administers compliance checks on exporters shipping items subject to the EAR.

    This office plays a pivotal role in overseeing various aspects of export-related activities, including counseling exporters, organizing export control seminars, and managing updates to the EAR.

    Office leadership

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    Karen H. Nies-Vogel

    Director, Office of Exporter Services

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    Hillary Hess

    Director, Regulatory Policy Division

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    Michael Hoffman

    Director, Western Regional Office

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    Rebecca Joyce

    Director, Outreach and Educational Services Division

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    Kirsten Mortimer

    Director, Export Management and Compliance Division

    Submit an inquiry

    Our committed staff is at your service from Monday through Friday and are dedicated to assisting you in achieving compliance and simplifying the intricate realm of exports.

    Eastern Office 202-482-4811

    Western Office 949-660-0144