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Confidential Enforcement Lead/Tip Form

This form should only be used for the purpose of submitting possible export control violations that involve US-origin commodities or technologies or foreign-made items subject to U.S. export controls. Should you prefer to communicate with BIS enforcement personnel via telephone or to leave a voicemail, please use the Enforcement Hotline 800-424-2980.

Export Enforcement relies heavily on its partnership with the business community. Many times it is the information you provide that helps us in our investigations. By prosecuting those who violate theExport Administration Regulations, we are helping the vast majority of exporters who follow the rules and are diligent in their efforts to conduct their affairs in an honest and appropriate manner.

In the event additional information is needed, you may be contacted by one of BIS’ Special Agents.

Contact information, so that you may be reached for any needed follow-up:

Pursuant to Section 4820(h) of the Export Control Reform Act, information BIS obtains in the course of an investigation is confidential, which includes the identity of those submitting leads or tips. Such information generally is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.

Do you desire for your identity to remain confidential within BIS’ internal systems? Answering “Yes” here limits the distribution within BIS of your identity. BIS keeps your identity confidential from the public regardless of how you answer this question.



Does this pertain to a previous submission?

Any information you have regarding the involved parties:

Which commodities or technologies are involved:

Have you reported your concerns to any other agencies or regulatory entities?