Notification Advance Computing (NAC) process available
In addition to the guidance in 740.8 (2) (c) the following three additional data points are required:
- Total Processing Performance of the item, as defined in 3A090
- Performance density of the item, as defined in 3A090; and
- Data sheet or other documentation showing how the item is designed and marketed (in particular, whether it is designed or marketed for datacenter or consumer use)
Other guidance:
- The NAC notification is limited to six items. BIS recommends limiting the notification to one model number per notification.
- Only one ultimate consignee and one end user is allowed. Notifications which include more will be returned without action. A distributor may not be a party to the NAC notification.
- You can track the NAC notification progress in STELA. If your NAC is approved you will receive a NAC authorization number (Axxxxxx) to be used in your AES filing.
- Exporters/reexporters should select export or reexport in box 5 - not "other" as indicated in the regulations. Be sure to add NAC in box 9.