Bureau of Industry & Security
Office of Congressional and Public Affairs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | January 2, 2025 | Media Contact: [email protected]
Export Enforcement Releases 2024 Year in Review
Washington, D.C. – Today, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Export Enforcement published its annual Year in Review, a compilation of highlights reflecting Export Enforcement’s accomplishments over the past year.
The Year in Review includes numerous initiatives from 2024, including the expansion of the Disruptive Technology Strike Force, which, to date, has brought 26 criminal cases charging sanctions and export control violations, smuggling conspiracies, and other offenses related to the transfer of sensitive information, goods, and military-grade technology to the People’s Republic of China, Russia, and Iran.
The Year in Review also highlights significant criminal and administrative enforcement actions from the past year, including several related to Russian, Chinese, Iranian, and North Korean illicit procurement networks. In addition, the Year in Review describes key partnerships with the interagency, industry, academia, and foreign governments, and it describes updates to the antiboycott enforcement program.
BIS Export Enforcement protects and promotes U.S. national security by aggressively investigating violations of export control and antiboycott regulations and by partnering with industry and academia to facilitate compliance with those regulations.
More information about the work of Export Enforcement to keep our country’s most sensitive items out of the world’s most dangerous hands can be found at bis.gov/enforcement.